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Welcome to our fifth and final chapter in the story of how to become a Christian using shapes.


In the first chapter, Beginning we saw that God created humanity to walk with him. In the second chapter Separation we learned about how the separation between God and humanity came about. We also learned that people can’t reach God by their own efforts. In the third chapter we heard about God’s plan to breach the separation through the birth, death and resurrection of his son Jesus. In the fourth chapter called “Invitation” we learnt that what Jesus did on the cross is a gift. Even though it is for all people, it is only those who receive it who will benefit from it. We talked about the steps of repenting and believing in receiving Jesus’ gift. We also talked about the importance of accepting Jesus as both Saviour and Lord.

We saw in the picture what happens when you become a Christian. Through the cross, people (circle) are reconciled with God (heart) , and are now at peace with him. Not only that but the Holy Spirit (dove) is poured out on all those who believe in Christ. That means God is now living inside them.

In this final session we are going to be looking at how we grow as a Christian or become to be more like Christ.

Becoming more like Christ

Our faith in Jesus is worth nothing if our lives are not changed. To become a Christian means not only that we receive all that Christ has done in forgiving our sin, it also means that we allow our life to slowly change to become more holy and Christlike (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Not the beginning of life in Christ but growth 

Before we begin it is important to understand that we don’t begin with all of these areas of growth. Life begins at conception for both plants and people. Growing happens after that. Growing is not the new birth. It happens following new birth. A seed of a plant is germinated. Many things help it to grow, including water, sun, good soil, drainage and nutrients.


The following areas that help us grow, do not overcome the separation between God and people, no matter how good we think they are. It is only Jesus Christ that can make us right with God. When we put our trust in Him he gives us a new heart and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Our actions or good deeds then flow from a place of grace (Ephesians 2:10). They are the evidence of fruit of Christ’s living presence in our life (Matthew 7:16). They too come from grace because it is God’s work within us through the Holy Spirit (Philippians 2:13). It is our part to be in surrender and partnership with God’s purifying transformation of our life (Romans 12:1).


There are six areas of growth that every Christian needs to grow in. If one is missing then a Christian can struggle. Each of them is about loving, either loving God or loving people. They flow from Christ’s heart (John 15:10). It is Christ inside us that grows his very character within us (John 4:14). As we surrender to Christ being on the throne of our life we grow to become like him.

The beginning letter of each phrase forms the word GROWTH that can help us remember what these six things are. In a life of a Christian it is important that these are happening daily. They are ...


o to God in prayer and worship


ead the word and reach out to the world with the word.





bedience and holiness to the Lord

orks of justice and compassion

ogether in fellowship with other believers

oly Spirit filled

Go to God in prayer and worship

Praying and worshiping in Jesus' life

Jesus loved to spend time with His father praying and worshipping God alone and with others (Luke 5:15). When we become a Christian we are also given this desire to have intimacy with the Father. Jesus taught his disciples to pray using a prayer called the Lord's prayer (Matthew 6:9-13).

Prayer and worship in a Christian's life

Worship reflect our heart of love to God. Jesus acclaimed a woman called Mary, who chose the better thing over her sister by being close to Jesus and listening to him (Luke 10:38-42).

Different kinds of prayer

Prayer is a conversation with God. It is not just about asking God for what we want.

Here are some forms of prayer that are important

  • Praise and honour God for who he is (Psalm 86:12)

  • Ask him to forgive us for the wrong we’ve done (Psalm 51)

  • Thank him for what he’s done in our life (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

  • Ask him to intervene in situations in the world and in our life (Ephesians 6:18; 1 Timothy 2:2)


We are also to spend time listening to God. This primarily is through reading the bible and also through other ways just as listening to his whispers in our heart and through being still. It says in the bible that those who belong to Jesus will know his voice and will follow him (John 10:27).

When we worship God we lift our hearts in adoration and praise and honour him for who he is (Psalm 96:9). Some people find the psalms very useful and either read or sing them to God. They reflect almost every emotion. It is important to be real with God. If we are finding our circumstances difficult or upset with God we can usually find a psalm to reflect how we feel (Psalm 22, Psalm 57). Jesus on the cross cried out to his Heavenly Father: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me" (Matthew 27:46). As honest communication is a basis in a human relationship so it is with a relationship with God.

Also we can find Jesus in the psalms even though they were written long before he was born. They can help us draw near to the cross and remember the suffering he went through (Psalm 22:18).

There are other ways to worship than singing songs. Some of these include: reading scripture; art; playing music; dancing, lifting up hands; walking in nature; silence; creating something.

Prayer and Worship are very important in the life of a Christian.

We spend time communicating with those we love. Our relationship with God isn’t any different. Prayer and 

Different ways to worship
Go to God

Read the word and reach out to the world with the word. 

Reading the bible every day and reaching out to others with the word are important ways to grow as a Christian.

Jesus read the word

Even as a boy Jesus knew the Hebrew bible well and asked questions that baffled all the teachers in the temple in Jerusalem (Luke 2:41-52). Jesus often quoted the bible to help him fight temptation and to gain courage through difficult times (Matthew 4:1-11). Through Scripture, Jesus was reminded of God’s purposes rather than getting overwhelmed by what it seemed evil was doing (Matthew 21:42).

Reading the bible as a Christian

For Christians, reading the bible is an important way to grow to become more like Christ (2 Timothy 3:16-17). It too reflects our love for God because in the bible we learn about Christ and the gift of Salvation. We also gain direction for our life and are shown how to live (Psalm 119:105). It is God’s primary way of speaking to Christians. It is the Holy Spirit that makes the words of the bible alive so that an individual can hear God speaking to them in their own life as they read (John 16:13).


Some sections of the bible are easier to read than others. Rather than starting to read the bible through from cover to cover if you are new to reading the bible I suggest you start with one of the gospels that talk about Jesus’ life. These books are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Most churches have bible studies and these can help Christians understand the bible and know such things as when it was first written and who to. This can help us to understand what God might be wanting to say to us today from the bible.


Jesus' command to reach out with the  word

When Jesus left his disciples and went up into heaven, he gave them this command.


“Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have taught you” (Matthew 28:18-19).

Reaching out with the word in a Christian's life

Jesus has asked us to communicate the good news about what he did not only to people who might be like us in ethnicity or age but to everyone regardless of who they are. Christianity began in the Middle East in Israel but it didn’t stop there. It has spread throughout the world. Jesus didn’t come only for Jewish people but for all people from every country. In John 3:16 it says that “for God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life”. This can make it hard in countries when it is illegal to talk to others about your faith. However for a Christian sharing about Jesus with others is a fundamental part of their faith.

REad the word
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